Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 Ways to Boost Your Professional Brand

10 Ways to Boost Your Professional Brand10 Ways to Boost Your Professional BrandBuild a strong professional image in and out of the workplace to advance your career.If you want to get ahead at the office, you need to establish a professional brand on and offline that emphasizes your strengths and beistands your job goals.Here are ten ways to boost your professional image in and out of the workplace to help you achieve your long-term career goals.10 Ways to Boost Your Professional Brand from Ladders Clean up your online presence. If one of the companys executives decided to check you out online, what would they find? A well-branded online presence is just as important for a career-driven professional as it is for an active job seeker. Google your name and review the first page of results. Does each listing support or weaken your professional brand? Take the steps to improve these results by overhauling your online brand. Take a seat at the table. If youre attending an event thats sur e to be crowded, get there early and grab a seat at the table so you dont end up in a chair on the outskirts of the room. This way, it will be easier to join in the conversation and voice your opinion. If you have something to contribute to the discussion, speak up dont wait for an opening to appear, as you may miss your window. Never stop learning. The best way to maintain a long, prosperous career is to never stop learning. Seek out professional development opportunities through relevant webcasts, Meetups, and other membership associations. Prove that you are a valuable resource to your employer by sharing your newfound knowledge with the members of your team. Use your first and last name. How many people do you know named Sarah or Mike? Whether youre networking during your free time or meeting new colleagues at your office, its best to introduce yourself to others using your full name. Not only will you sound more professional, but youre likely to be more memorable. Leave the fi rst-name only introductions to Madonna and Usher. Get involved. If you havent taken advantage of your companys extracurricular activities before, nows your chance. Whether its the company picnic, the co-ed soccer league or a weekend dedicated to Habitat for Humanity, find something that interests you and join. Or better yet, start your own Corporate Social Responsibility program. Its a great way to establish your brand at the organization and informally network with colleagues from other parts of the company. Recruit a mentor. The right mentor can shape your professional skills, teach you the ins and outs of your industry, help you navigate corporate politics, overcome adversity, and introduce you to the right people and resources to advance your career. As you become more involved with your organization and relevant networking groups, it will be easier to identify the right person to become your mentor. Exude confidence. Most executives agree that confidence is essential to being a good leader and strong negotiator. You have to exude self-assurance, even when you feel lost and helpless. Keep this in mind when youre taking on a new project or giving a big presentation to an important client. When all else fails, fake it til you make it. Stop apologizing all the time. Do you have a tendency to apologize in the workplace, even when weve done nothing wrong? While you may think youre merely being polite, youre actually hurting your image. Think about it If youre apologizing all the time, youre unintentionally telling your boss that you make a lot of little mistakes. Research has shown that men will often interpret this behavior as a sign of weakness or a lack of conviction. Whether youre closing a business verstndigung im strafverfahren or negotiating your compensation, dont be apologetic. Toot your own horn. If you want to get ahead, you not only have to deliver results above expectations you have to be recognized for your accomplishments. If youre working on a project thats going well, dont be afraid to share your enthusiasm with your boss. At the end of the project, share the results - especially if they were good. You cant be promoted if no one is aware of your great work. Build a brag sheet. Document your major contributions and achievement so youre always prepared to discuss the value you bring to the organization. This is especially useful when youre updating your professional profiles, sitting down for your annual review or preparing to ask for a raise or promotion with your boss.Take these steps to bolster your professional brand and show management that youre ready for the next step in your career.

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