Thursday, November 21, 2019

All Great Leaders Know How to Be Positive

All Great Leaders Know How to Be PositiveAll Great Leaders Know How to Be PositiveLeaders are positive out of necessity. They have to be positive if they are going to successfully inspire and motivate their kollektiv toward a goal. But great leaders arent born, theyre made. Heres how to make yourself into a truly great leader. Have A geistesbild One thing that sets leaders apart is that they have a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They have a clear goal in mind and they are committed to getting there. Whether everyone else shares that vision or not, they push forward toward it. They also dont let the fears or doubts of others get in the way of reaching their goal, which theyre always confident about reaching. The business world focuses on teams of talented individuals built by managers who rely on team members to help them reach their goal. Talented leaders find ways to inspire and motivate their team members so that everything is being done for the greater good - the success of the company. Share Your Vision One way leaders can inspire and motive their teams is by sharing their vision. Someone who has a goal, not just an idea, and can communicate that goal to others can build a team that will get them the results they need. In larger part, its by sharing their vision that youre able to demonstrate to the team what they are trying to accomplish (in the broad sense) and why it is important to get there. Successful leaders are always positive that if those around them understand their vision they will support it and help their leader get there. Share Your Excitement When leaders share their vision with their team, they also share their excitement and enthusiasm and the intensity in their voice tell others about this is something to care about. If presenting their vision before a crowd they move around quickly and gesture broadly to convey their enthusiasm so those listening can see their excitement. Instead of telling your team, I think th is is a great idea and I think we can get there if we work hard at it, try to say something like, This is such a great plan. By doing these things, we are going to revolutionize this industry. We are going to make something that people will truly value and cant wait to purchase. Its going to take a lot of hard work, but itll be worth it. Enthusiasm Is a Great Motivator The great leaders of the world know that enthusiasm is contagious. As your team members begin to share your excitement theyll also start thinking about what else they can do to help turn the vision into a reality. Time and again we see that they innovate and they dream up new ways to keep moving toward their new goal. Ultimately, the shared enthusiasm results in all involved reaching the goal. Negativity Depletes Excitement If you think about what youre saying to your team (i.e., your actual word choice) you may besurprised. Framing communication in a negative light not only wont motivate people, but it will also demoralize them.It seems okay to say to your team, I am really excited about this new process, but we dont have enough cash flow to implement it..However, you can cut the negativity and continue to build the team excitement if you say instead, Im really excited about this new process, so well have to find a way to find the available funds. Bottom Line Great leaders are always positive because they know that it helps them, and their teams, be more productive and reach their goals. Managers(at every level) will also want to excel by adopting a positive attitude.

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